1. Judging.
Beers will be judged ‘blind’ by our panel of international experts (professional brewers and certified beer judges). Judges will be presented each competing beer in its appropriate category flight in a clear cup for evaluation according to the following 50 points judging criteria:
- Appearance: Max 3 pts - Aroma: Max 12 pts - Flavour: Max 20 pts
- Mouthfeel/Body: Max 5 pts - Overall Impression/Technical Quality: Max 10 pts (Total 50 pts)
The points allocated will be used as judging guidelines only, beers will advance in the competition and Gold, Silver, Bronze and Chairman's Selection will be awarded through judges discussion and consensus.
Judging notes will be returned to brewers for all beers entered into the competition.
2. Style Guidelines.
Beers will be judged in category according to their corresponding Asia Brewers Network Style Guidelines*. Brewers should enter the Category and Sub Category they wish to have their beer judged by in their entry form. Please see full Competition Categories above or online at: www.asiabeerchampionship.com/competition-categories. The competition organizers and judges reserve the right to disqualify beers they deem to have been entered into the incorrect category. Brewers should include tasting notes with their Entry Form if the judges need guidance for beer assessing. Full competition Beerstyle Guidelines can be found
3. Definition.
For the purpose of the 2023 Asia Beer Championship, an Asian Brewery is defined as a brewery of any size with production facilities and producing beer for commercial purposes (sale on site or for national/regional distribution) in the following countries:
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Dubai, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
Beers brewed at rented brewing facilities, “Gypsy/Contract Brew Beers”, may also enter the competition as long as the facilities used for production are in one of the above Asian countries.
A “Brewpub” is considered a restaurant or pub that has an on-site brewery with at least 70% of its produced beer volume sold on the premises.
4. Awards.
The top 3 beers in each category as decided by the judges will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze medals respectively, any beers scoring 38 points or over will be given a “Chairman’s Selection” accolade. In the event of a tie the Chairman’s decision is final. The top beer in each style category will enter a taste-off for the “Champion Beer of Asia” award. Winning and "Chairman's Selection" beers will be given digital versions of their award category logo for their own marketing and promotional use. The results of the competition will be publicly announced at a LIVE Awards Presentation Ceremony at Brew Asia in Singapore, 4th October 2024.